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It’s the start of a new month.


We’re almost halfway through the year. 2020 has been a rough one. This year has had so many twists and turns it’s almost impossible to think we lost Kobe not too long ago.

I am a firm believer in manifestation. My definition of manifestation is: whatever you put into the universe, you will receive. If you think or speak negatively, you will get negative outcomes. If you speak positively, you will reap positivity..

My mommy always say "words are powerful, watch what you say."

With all that being said, we should all manifest some positivity right now. Things have been so unknown and chaotic in the world it's been hard to think positive or to be optimistic about the future. I look at the 1st of the month as a fresh start, a new beginning...

Let's start this month off by writing some goals and affirmations.


Affirmations are great for manifestation.

Affirmations are positive statements you write or say, which help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. Affirmations are powerful because if you say them repeatedly you begin to manifest them into your brain, eventually you will begin to believe them.

Fresh into starting my brand, it’s difficult sometimes to stay consistent and motivated when I don’t see immediate results or support. I’ve started to say these 3 affirmations daily so that I can manifest them.

1. I will be successful.

2. HeavieTalk will achieve its brand goal.

3. HeavieTalk will grow.


Goals are important because they guide you in making sure that you're on the right track. They also give you some purpose.

I put personal goals in my journal, but I’ll share 5 business goals I hope to accomplish this month.

1. Network with more bloggers, creators, podcasters, etc.

2. Stay consistent with my content.

3. Learn how to use Pinterest for marketing purposes.

4. Grow my blog views and subscribers.

5. Gain more followers on all of my social medias accounts.


I did mine.

Your Turn!

Get a notebook + A pen or pencil.

Write a couple of goals and affirmations.

Let’s start this month off right!!


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