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We want all of our rights, we want them here, and we want them now.

-Martin Luther King Jr.


It’s the start of a new month.


We are officially halfway through the year. The past 3 months have been a whirlwind and mentally draining. From the tragic loss of Kobe Bryant in January to the deadly pandemic caused by the coronavirus outbreak that surfaced in the states in February and is still actively disrupting normal life To present day, the rebirth of the #BlackLivesMovement and a new revolution caused by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police department.  All in all, 2020 has been one for the history books, a rough one. The many twists and turns this year has made it difficult for me to focus on everyday life, goals, business and academics, along with my overall wellbeing and mental health.. Last month I stressed the importance of manifestation.

 Quick Recap:

My definition of manifestation is whatever you put into the universe, you will receive. If you think or speak negatively, you will get negative results. If you speak good things, you will receive good things. 

As I emphasized last month, with all the chaos and negativity in the world and atmosphere it is crucial that you take care of yourself, specifically your mind. Your mind is the most precious thing you have. You cannot fight a mental battle if you’re tired and drained. It’s important that you fill yourself up with positive energy and vibes daily. Affirmations are an easy, helpful way to manifest positivity.


Affirmations are statements that you write or say, which helps you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. Affirmations are so powerful because if you say them repeatedly you begin to manifest them into your brain, eventually you will begin to believe them. 


 I started off last month by writing 3 affirmations that I intended to say daily.

1. I will be successful. 

2. HeavieTalk will achieve its brand goal. 

3. HeavieTalk will grow. 


Each morning I stood in the mirror and recited those affirmations 5x each. The more I began to say them, the more I started to believe. The key part was my tone and conviction. It is critical that you say your affirmations with conviction and power. Say it like you mean it! It will make a world of a difference. 

This month I give you the same challenge. Write 5 more affirmations. They can be professional or personal. Go deep with them. What areas of your life do you want to see real impact or change? On a broad spectrum, with everything occurring in the world in present time, what do you want to see change or what kind of energy would you like to manifest?

Speak it!

Everything starts by speaking out aloud.

Put life to it. 


To me, affirmations and goals work together.  Affirmations speak life to something. When you’re reciting affirmations with conviction, you’re claiming it, saying it is so before it happens. Sorta like having faith. Goals help you plan/construct what you spoke life to. 

In my affirmations last month, I spoke to and claimed success for HeavieTalk. I was speaking it into being. When writing my goals, I constructed 5 things I intended to do to make sure what I spoke for HeavieTalk came into being.  

Each day week, I targeted a specific goal to ensure I was making progress. I begin to see growth in each area. 


Blog Views


Social Media Growth

1. Pinterest

May 1st- June 1st


2. Instagram

HeavieTalk account made on April 29th.


3. Facebook



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As we embark on a new month, June. It is even more important, especially with the current climate of society, to write affirmations and goals and to focus on your overall wellbeing and mental health. Give your mind a break from the chaos ensuing in the world. 

  1. 1. Take a break from social media. If you're anything like me you've been glued to the social media to stay updated with the protests and riots.

2. Turn off the news. Give CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, etc. a break.

3. Check on your loved ones. Current world events, may be affecting those close to you in ways that you don't know.

4. Stay woke. Whether you've been on the front lines protesting or not, there are still ways to make an impact and speak up. Research petitions you can sign to make a difference. If you can, donate to bail and small business relief funds.

5. Be safe. Today, being black in America means fighting two deadly diseases. Racism and COVID-19. To my black community, stay safe and vigilant.We got us!


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